Most people don't know about the struggle we've had for the past 3 years. We were blessed in November 2011 with our first child, Adeline. We always said we wanted more than 1 child and wanted them somewhat close in age, but not too close!
Well when we got pregnant with Adeline it took us a year once we started trying. Once it had been a year we went to our Doctor and asked for help! We were going to start the whole testing process to determine the reason for infertility, but before we could get started we found out I was pregnant!
Pregnancy was not easy, but really when is it? Most of it was uneventful except when I got to the end the horrible hip/back pain started, then I started having issues with swelling and high blood pressure. I spend many hours at the doctor and in the hospital under observation. Eventually I had full blown Pre-Eclampsia and had to be induced at 38 weeks. Adeline was born healthy and only spent one extra night at the hospital to deal with Jaundice.
Once Adeline was around a year old we started trying for our second, knowing it might take awhile like it did the first time around. By Summer 2014 we decided to go to a Fertility Specialist, but it turned out we moved right after our first appointment so we put off until we got settled in Bristol.
So in February 2015 we'd finally decided it was long enough and went to a doctor for fertility help. Since we'd already had one child together we didn't have to start with all the testing we were going to have to do before our first pregnancy. The doctor immediately started me on Clomid 50mg 1x day on cycle days 5-9 and the first round I ovulated!!! So we continued with that for a few months. Also I did some blood work as the Doctor thought I may have PCOS based on a few things. So I was happy to find out I did have it, as that was probably the reason I was having a problem getting pregnant. I cannot believe I've gone years without this diagnosis! I started on Metformin after a couple weeks.
We ended up doing 4 rounds of Clomid. After the 3rd round was a big fat NEGATIVE. I was referred to a specialist in Johnson City. Since the Clomid wasn't enough for me we decided to switch to Femara. So we decided after my next cycle we would start Femara, however that never came and I had a POSITIVE pregnancy test on June 16th!
I am now 16 weeks a long in this pregnancy and I've had it pretty good. I did have hip pain that started pretty much immediately, so I've been seeing a Chiropractor for almost 2 months now and that has helped a ton! I'm also very tired and can't focus much. No "real" food aversions other than I still can't eggs much, which started when I was pregnant with Adeline.
We will find out the gender on September 29th, I will definitely post the results! Adeline is inssitent that she is having a baby sister, won't even consider a baby brother. She is so excited to be a Big Sister! I don't care if boy or girl. I want a girl mostly because I have saved Adeline's baby stuff and won't need much but the big items (dresser, car seat, monitor, bedding, etc.). I'd like to have a boy though so Alan gets his "mini-me" which would be so cute and I think the dynamics between Adeline and a brother would be better than if there were 2 girls.
While at my parents this Labor Day weekend we took a couple pictures. I never did the pregnancy pictures with Adeline, because it took awhile for me to look pregnant, not just fat! But this time my belly has jumped out already! So its going to be interesting to see how big I get this time.